
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.


National Curriculum


Computing plays an important part in the education of our pupils. At all ages, the children are able to use the computer as an integral part of the lesson. There are a number of computers linked to the Internet both in the Computing suite and in the classroom. During Key Stage 2, pupils use a wider range of ICT tools and information sources to support their work in other subjects. They develop their research skills and decide what information is appropriate for their work. They begin to question the plausibility and quality of information. They learn how to amend their work and present it in a way that suits its audience. Skills of word processing, data storage and retrieval, problem solving, compiling newspapers, PowerPoint presentations etc. are developed at the appropriate level. The school has an E-Safety Policy.

Computing Curriculum Implementation
