
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Class 7 Violin Concert

    Fri 08 Mar 2024

    Class 7 Violin Concert


    On Tuesday 26th March 2024 families of pupils in Class 7 are invited to a violin concert to celebrate their learning for Terms 3 and 4. The concert will be from 2.45pm-3.05pm in the school hall.

    Please arrive no later than 2.40pm and sign in the at the main office.      Unfortunately we will not be able to admit anyone once the concert has started.


  • Trunk Theatre Company

    Fri 01 Mar 2024

    Trunk Theatre Company


    Key Stage 1 had The Trunk Theatre Company visit St John's this week to do a performance linked to their topic learning on The Great Fire of London.


    The children had a fantastic time watching the performance, joining in activities and learnt la lot about this time in history!


    Thank you to the KS1 parents for your contributions towards the cost! It was such a great way to start their topic!


  • STEAM Event at County Hall, Trowbridge

    Fri 01 Mar 2024

    STEAM Event at County Hall, Trowbridge


    On Tuesday 27th February our Year 5 pupils attended the fantastic STEAM event at County Hall which was organised by the Learning   Resources Hub.

    The children had a great time and really enjoyed the range of exhibits and activities.



  • Bike Donation for a St. John’s School Pupil

    Fri 01 Mar 2024

    Bike Donation for a St. John’s School Pupil


    Following the Bikeability courses for pupils in Year 6 in December and January, Richard Smith from Wiltshire Council who runs Bikeability arranged for one of our pupils who has moved here from overseas to    have a bike of her own.

    One of the mechanics’ daughter in Evans Cycles in the town offered our pupil her   own bike that she had grown out of.

    Bikeability and Evans Cycles also donated  a helmet and a high viz jacket to enable   her to ride her new bike safely.

    The girls are hoping to meet up at a later date so they can have a safe ride together.

    We would like to thank Evans Cycles and Bikeability for their very generous gift.


  • Free Piano Concert – Tonight at 6.30pm, St Augustine’s.

    Fri 23 Feb 2024

    Free Piano Concert – Tonight at 6.30pm, St Augustine’s.


    This afternoon St John’s were delighted to welcome back a past student, Vincent Ling who attended St John’s from 2004-2011. He is currently studying the piano in Austria and is an excellent concert pianist. Vincent has performed in many famous venues around Europe.


    We enjoyed listening to a range of piano music from classical to modern and hearing Vincent talk about his musical journey.


    We have all been invited to hear more from Vincent in a free 30 minute concert taking place at

    St Augustine’s Catholic College,                                                                   Trowbridge tonight (23.2.24) at 6.30pm.


    Please do come along if you can.

     We thank Vincent for sharing his time and wonderful talent with us.


  • World Book Day

    Fri 23 Feb 2024

    World Book Day


    We will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2024.


    Your child is invited to come into school dressed as their favourite book character.


  • Mrs Sessions

    Fri 09 Feb 2024

    Mrs Sessions


    It is with sadness and regret that on behalf of the Governing Body I am writing to inform you that, following 7 years dedicated service to St. Johns School, Mrs Sessions has made the decision to retire. She will be leaving the school at the end of Term 6 - July 2024.


    We feel that we have been privileged and blessed to have a head teacher that has worked tirelessly to provide a broad well balanced and exciting curriculum. The school is well respected in the diocese, among local schools and the community.


    We will now be working with the Clifton Diocese and the Local Authority to appoint a successor.


    I am sure as members of the school community you will wish her a  happy and healthy retirement.


    With Kind Regards


    Mike Simmons

    Chair of Governors



  • School Mission Afternoon

    Fri 09 Feb 2024

    School Mission Afternoon


    On Thursday 25th January the whole school engaged in our 'School Mission Afternoon'. It provided quality time for the children to reflect on our mission and what we are called to be and do in our world. The children engaged in singing, art and powerful reflections. One of the areas of focus was to revisit the timeline and heritage of our school community and recognise the important work of the Sisters of St John of God who founded our school community. 


    Persephonie in Class 9 shared ' At St John's we have a purpose to be all the things that God wants us to be. We look up to the older people but as we grow through our learning and mission statement we will be the ones that everyone looks up to'.


  • KS1 Illustrator Visit

    Fri 02 Feb 2024

    KS1 Illustrator Visit


    Following on from their author visit of 'The Disgusting Sandwich', KS1 had an online drawing workshop with the illustrator Hannah Shaw. The children enjoyed learning how to draw some characters and learnt how to draw slugs! They learnt how to use colour and draw different eyes and eyebrows to show emotions.


  • National Storytelling Week

    Fri 02 Feb 2024

    National Storytelling Week


    This week the school’s Reading Champions took on the challenge of reading out loud to an audience to promote National Storytelling Week. They used their voices to bring the characters to life and to clearly tell a story. Also, they used gestures to add meaning to the words they read. They also used a great storytelling trick of getting the audience involved by asking questions and getting them to join in. They made the library come alive this week and will have encouraged the children of St. John’s to read for enjoyment.


    Thank you to the Reading


    Daniel L, Alexis M-B, Weronika K, Rose W, Lucas B, Poppy M, Iga K, Daisy B, Beatrice P, and Michael T.

