In 2011 the government set out its definition of British Values which are:
• Democracy
• The Rule of Law
• Individual Liberty
• Mutual Respect
• Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
British values are promoted throughout the school alongside our Catholic Values.
We support and teach pupils about values and responsibilities that shape their lives through our mission statement “At St, John’s we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus”. In doing so we reinforce British Values regularly in the following ways:
Democratic values are an intrinsic part of St. John’s ethos. Adults listen to children’s views and value their opinions. Pupils have the opportunity for their voices to be heard through the School Council and Pupil Voice which contributes to staff appointments and subject reviews. Children are also represented in our local Youth Parliament. The school regularly demonstrates how pupils should contribute and cooperate as well as considering the views of others.
The importance of rules and laws are consistently reinforced. All staff have high expectations of pupils and rewards and sanctions are well understood, through the school’s behaviour policy. Visits from the Police and Fire Service support and re-inforce messages of right and wrong.
The school helps pupils develop their self-knowledge, confidence and self esteem through our Catholic ethos – particularly in our expectations of how we treat each other. Children are encouraged to take responsibilities for their behaviour and their learning. Consideration for others is promoted through Religious Education, SMSC education and assemblies. E.Safety lessons help children make choices in a safe manner.
Values of respect and tolerance are at the heart of our mission and are evident in all areas of school life. All staff demonstrate respect and model behaviour and attitudes on which our positive relationships are built. Class discussions, assemblies and collective worship provide opportunities to show respect and reverence to others. The widespread collaborative work undertaken in lessons help value others’ opinions.
Through our curriculum and spiritual life of the school pupils are made aware of our culturally diverse society. The school community is rich in its diversity and other religions are studied within Religious Education. As part of our core values regardless of ability, faith, heritage or race, pupils often take the initiative in fundraising for international charities. The school has annual fundraising for CAFOD and is a ‘Fair Trade’ school.