
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Opening Times

School Hours

Morning: The school gates open at 8.30am and children are able to come into the playground and wait.  Classroom doors will open at 8.40am. Registration is taken at 8.45am. Any child arriving after this time is classed as late.

Afternoon: Parents are able to come onto the main playground at 3.10pm. Children leave class at 3.15pm. 
If arriving by car please do not park in front of either of the gates as this needs to be kept clear for access by emergency services at all times.



Crossing Patrol

Our lollipop lady is positioned to see pupils safely across Wingfield Road. Her hours are as follows:

Mornings: 8.30 - 9.00
Afternoons: 3.00 - 3.30


School Access and Parking

Parents are asked not to bring their vehicles into the school car park at any time. This is to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Please park on the roadway taking care not to obstruct driveways or cause inconvenience.


Please do not park in the Wingfield Care Home/doctor's surgery car park when dropping off or collecting your child. 


Please walk along the pedestrian path at all times. Do not walk across the car park for any reason. 

Parents and children should not use the main doors at the beginning or end of the school day unless for a pre-arranged appointment, or need to see the administrative staff.

All children must wait in the playground and enter through the side and back doors when the bell rings.
