Pupil Premium
Is your child entitled to Pupil Premium? If so we can fund £180 of clubs outside of school for your child. It also brings £1385 additional funding into the school to help support teaching and learning.
You may choose to send your child to: beavers, scouts, drama, instrumental lessons, gymnastics, dance, swimming or another club. When you and your child have chosen the club you wish to join, please bring your receipt to the school office and you will be able to claim up to £180 per academic year.
To apply you simply need to register for Free School Meals, (even if you opt for your child to have packed lunches)
How to apply:
You can register your entitlement for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals - Eligible by Benefit (EBB) if:
Qualifying benefits for Pupil Premium/Free School Meals:
Please click here for Free School Meals Guidance
How to register
Please note that the Local Authority will check your initial and on-going eligibility to qualifying benefits on your behalf using the DFE online Free School Meal Eligibility Checking Service. Your National Insurance or National Asylum Seeker Support Number and Date of Birth must be completed clearly and accurately.
Free School Meals vs Universal Infant Free School Meals
Universal infant free school meals (UIFSM) is different to free school meals. UIFSM is available to all children in reception class, year 1, and year 2. Unfortunately, we have not been given funding to provide vouchers for families eligible for UIFSM. However, even if you had been receiving UIFSM, you may still be eligible for Free School Meals, and should apply to register using the link above.