National Curriculum
Historical Understanding
Historical studies are concerned with an awareness of the past. We aim to provide our children with a sense of time and sequence (Chronology). We aim to show our children that life has not always been as it is today, but that some elements do remain the same and to encourage an understanding of the lives of everyday people, lives of famous people in the past and notable past events in Britain and the wider world. Children use different sources of information and skills to help them investigate the past including role play, hot seating and collaborative group activities.
Geographical Understanding
This is organised through a series of broad themes encompassing specific topics timetabled throughout the number of terms in each Key Stage; this is planned in accordance with the National Curriculum requirements for Geography. Many aspects of the environment, past and present, are explored. Whenever possible, the school grounds and the immediate local area are used, as well as a contrasting geographical area in Britain and another area in a developing country. Children are encouraged to ask geographical questions and use geographical skills and resources such as maps, atlases, aerial photographs and ICT.