
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Letter From Mrs O'Rourke

Dear Parents and Carers, 

The children have fully settled into the rhythm of school life and there is a         wonderful sense of purpose and challenge. The term has already included many successes including a visit from Patrick Kaberia, a Fair Trade farmer from        Kenya,  trips to Trowbridge Museum supporting our rich curriculum, school Mass celebrating with the children and families who received their First Holy             Communion in June, children representing the school at local sporting              competitions, Year 6 Leaders attending a Sports Conference, additional             professional development for the whole staff team and stay and play sessions for new EYFS children ready for September 2025!

Last week we hosted a visit from a Headteacher in Purton who remarked on the impressive learning behaviours and purpose with which the children were working; I am unashamedly ambitious for what the children can achieve over the coming academic year. Please ensure you book an appointment for the first parent's   evening this academic year as this will provide valuable information on how your child has settled and guidance on how you can support at home. 

As mentioned in the 'Meet the Headteacher' sessions earlier in the term I would like to introduce the 'Parent Representative' role which will allow us to further develop our methods of communication. Early next week we will be contacting two parents from each year group who have been randomly selected to represent parents at a termly meeting with me. The responsibility will then be for this information to be cascaded to other parents. I really am looking forward to working alongside you all to enhance the life chances and opportunities for every child.   

We will be celebrating our 'Harvest Service' in the next few weeks and we ask for a donation of a box (or two) of any brand of cereal that we will donate to Trowbridge Foodbank. We are setting the challenge of collecting at least 400 boxes of cereal - please support if you are able. Thank you for the donations we have received     already.....currently have approximately 50 boxes. 

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful weekend. 


Mrs O'Rourke



