Advent Penitential Service - Friday 25th November 2022
On Friday morning the whole school celebrated our Advent Penitential Service and reflected on Matthew's Gospel 5:1-12 The Beatitudes. The Chapel Champions led us beautifully in our reflection and posed the following questions:
Blessed are the poor in spirit – am I poor in spirit? Do I value God’s everyday gifts: light and life, food and water, creation? Do I always want more?
Blessed are those who mourn – do I reach out to those who are feeling down, or am I too wrapped up in my own concerns?
Blessed are the meek – do I think it is more important to shout and get my own way?
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness – do I stand up for justice and protect those who are treated badly? Do I avoid actions that harm the earth and its poorest people?
Blessed are the merciful – have I forgiven the people who hurt me? Or do I hold grudges? Do I welcome outsiders, with the same mercy I would like shown to me? Or do I ignore them?
Blessed are the pure in heart – am I pure in heart, trying to see God in the world around me? Where is my focus?
Blessed are the peacemakers - do I try to make peace between friends who have fallen out? Or do I pour fuel on the fire and encourage them to ignore each other or to fight?
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake – if someone criticises me for doing something good, how do I react?
Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account – how often have I stood up for my faith? Or for what is right? Am I afraid to stand out from the crowd?