
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Communicating with the School when your Child is Absent

Communicating with the School when your Child is Absent


If your child is going to be absent due to illness:


· Please phone the school before 8.30am on 01225 752006 on each morning of absence and leave a message on the absence line. Please leave details of your child’s name, class and a clear reason for absence (please do not just state that they are unwell).

· Do not email the school as these messages are not always picked up on time for registration.

· If you believe your child will be absent for more than one day, please call and speak to a member of the office staff.


We have a duty of care for your child whilst they are at school and as such need to know their whereabouts on a school day. If we have had no communication from you we do have to inform the Safeguarding Team.


If your child is going to be absent due to a pre-booked appointment eg hospital:


· If the appointment is more than 48hrs away please email either or                                     reception@ with the details and a copy of the appointment letter.

· If the appointment is within the following 48hrs please ring the office and speak to a member of staff.


If your child is going to be absent due to any other reason:


· Please complete a Leave of Absence form at least 7 days before the intended absence. This must be submitted to the office with any supporting evidence.


Now that we are back to normal following the Covid-19 pandemic, please may we request that routine doctors and dentist appointments are now where possible made outside of the school day.

