E-Safety Policy
As part of the review of the school E-Safety Policy and our continued commitment to keeping our pupils safe online, we have made a change to our Responsible Internet Use Consent Form.
All parents complete this form when their child joins the school, however as a number of children now have their own device to access online, we have taken the decision to ask all children in KS2 to sign a Learner Acceptable Use Agreement. This details how they will use electronic devices both inside and outside of school to stay safe. A paper copy of this form will come home with every KS2 child on Friday.
Please can you go through this with your child, ask them to sign to confirm that they have understood the form and then sign yourself before returning the form to the school office as soon as possible. If you have any questions please contact Mrs Poulter on admin@st-johns-trowbidge.wilts.sch.uk