
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Faith and Friendship Chaplaincy Day

Faith and Friendship Chaplaincy Day


Our Year 5 Chapel Champions were invited to join other school in the Wiltshire area for a day of refection and prayer in the beautiful gardens of Wardour School on a lovely sunny day.

They were joined by Father Joseph from Salisbury who began the day with wonderful bible stories and prayer. The children connected with the earth using their senses of sound, sight, smell and sight in God’s beautiful creation.

A representative from Edukaid spoke to all the children about the charity that help schools in Tanzania, Africa. They completed a 22 question quiz on what school life was like in Africa and the children from Tanzania will also answer the same quiz and we will receive the responses on the next meet.

The children explored leadership skills that will be ready to explore on their next day.

We had a reflective walk to the local chapel and explored the many treasures of the hidden gems inside. The children joined Father Joseph in ‘thankful prayers’ one being ‘for the special day they got to spend on the Chaplaincy day and making new friends from other schools’ The children had an amazing day exploring their faith.

