Dear Parents and Carers,
The first term of the new academic year continues to provide many moments of joy and success. The children in Foundation Stage have settled into the routines of school life beautifully and are already showing such wonderful learning behaviours. In particular the children's recount of the Creation narrative from the book of Genesis was very impressive!
Year 1 and 2 have been enjoying more opportunities to embed their learning through continuous provision and are thriving within their learning environment both inside and outside the classroom. The younger children are showing such determination in their phonics and we are excited to witness what the year ahead brings!
Year 3 and 4 gathered together with Fr Richard and celebrated Mass together to mark receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion with their families. The children showed such reverence and delight, reading and singing with confidence. Class 8 have also started their First Access violin lessons with Charlotte Sloane-Hill where every child has the opportunity to learn how to play the violin.
Year 5 and 6 have also been very busy and have much to celebrate. In addition to a rich and challenging curriculum there have been visits to Trowbridge Museum, swimming lessons, celebration of Class 11 Mass on the Feast Day of Sir John Henry Newman and Year 6 have been cycling on the local roads achieving their Bikeability awards!
Over the past couple of weeks we have welcomed external visitors from Wiltshire Local Authority who have commented on the children's confidence, oracy and positive attitude to learning which we are determined to continue to develop.
I know you will all be thinking of Mr Smith at the time of his illness and please keep him in your prayers. We are so grateful for the dedication and care that the staff at Dorothy House have shown our dear friend, teacher and colleague. Mr Smith is being well cared for, is very comfortable, surrounded by his family and friends. Children have been invited to write cards, pictures and letters to Mr Smith. If families would like to write a card or letter please do drop them into main reception where it can be delivered.
This weekend we look forward to celebrating Children's Mass on Sunday in the St John the Baptist Parish Church at 10.30am, looking forward to gathering together with the Parish community.
With best wishes
Mrs K O'Rourke