St John's Jubilee Celebrations
On Tuesday 7th June, we would like children to dress up in red, white and blue clothes.
FS, KS1 and UKS2 will be having a special party lunchtime (hopefully on the playground) with a treat of some Jubilee celebration cupcakes. LKS2 will be attending Trowbridge Park for their special picnic lunchtime and Jubilee celebrations (forms to follow).
If you hold a DBS through school and are available to accompany the children to the park and join the celebrations, please let Mrs Poulter know in the school office.
Also that week, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 will be attending online learning sessions with Windsor Castle to learn more about the Queen. A big thank you to the Friends for supporting the cost of this.
All children will be completing an Art project based on the Queen. We hope to enter the Jubilee in Bloom Art competition to have some pieces display in Trowbridge Town Hall.