
St John's

Catholic Primary School

At St John's we grow and learn in the footsteps of Jesus.

Summer School Uniform

Summer School Uniform


We would like to thank all pupils who have returned to school after the Easter holidays in their summer uniform. We would like to clarify the following:


Reception children wear a gold polo short throughout the year and not a shirt and tie.


During the summer terms boys should wear a gold polo shirt with a logo and brown shorts should be worn with shoes or sandals (3/4 length shorts and Bermuda or surfing shorts are not acceptable). Socks must be worn at all times.


All girls (including EYFS) may wear a yellow and white checked dress (white shorts may be worn under the dress) with either white or dark shoes or sandals. Again socks must be worn at all times.


No children are allowed to wear trainers unless they are taking part in a PE lesson. Jewellery must not be worn with the exception of a watch and one small pair of stud earrings. Nail varnish and dyed hair is not  allowed and fashion or extreme hairstyles are not permissible, long hair is to be tied back.


PLEASE help to keep your child looking smart by naming every item of clothing. It is impossible to return uniform to its rightful owners if it is not clearly labelled.

